
Saturday 5 November 2011

Rezistans ek Alternativ Xavier accused Duval of being in the pay of private sector


The political movement of the left, Rezistans ek Alternativ, said the first budget presented by Finance Minister Xavier Luc Duval, is too generous to the private sector .
Rezistans ek Alternativ has, in a statement, signed by two of its main leaders, namely Ashok Subron and Devianand Narrain, severely criticized the 2012 Budget presented by Finance Minister Xavier Luc Duval, Friday, Nov. 4. The leaders of the Left Party reiterated their beliefs about the need for an alternative economic model. They accuse the Great fundraiser for making too many concessions to the employers.
Thus Rezistans ek Alternativ considers that the abolition of the tax on dividends and bank interest and the suppression of the Capital Gain Tax are gifts offered to the private sector. 
Before the budget Xavier Duval said he will not play Santa Claus. But in his budget, we see that in fact he became the richest Nwel Bolom, " wrote Ashok Subron and Devianand Narrian.
They argue that the government takes pleasure in an outdated economic model and exposing the country to the international financial crisis. They take a stand against the creation of the National Resilience Fund, a new support fund of Rs 7.3 billion for the private sector.
Facilitators Rezistans ek Alternativ say Xavier Luc Duval "is stuck in the orthodoxy of neo-liberal ideology which advocates the enrichment of the wealthy for the well-being of society."
The political movement also denounces the onset of the " privatization process " especially in that it is the public service sectors. It calls for the resistance of workers and citizens, and promises a " necessary response ".
Rezistans ek Alternativ protests against what the party calls for a continuing trend of impoverishment, a social housing policy out of step with reality, a waste of arable land and a deliberate asphyxiation of the public service.
The drafters of the statement are that the different governments pursue the same policy. "Even if we change often Minister of Finance, the neo-liberal economic policy remains the same. Successive governments have become prisoners of a clique of local and international capitalists who are now vampirize resources. That's why ek Alternativ Rezistans still need the emergence of a new political force with a program for a new development model, " and conclude Ashok Subron Devianand Narrain.

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