
Saturday, 29 October 2011

MedPoint: Berenger calls for clarification on the check of Rs 144.7 million


The opposition leader claims to have information different from those given by the Prime Minister in Parliament. Paul Berenger believes that the government will do nothing to try to recover the money.He is seeking clarification from the Prime Minister.

At its press conference on Saturday, October 29, the leader of Mauritian Militant Movement (MMM), Paul Berenger, said that according to his information, the sum of Rs 144, 7 million paid in connection with the purchase by the State of the clinic is still in MedPoint two local bank accounts. Let Rs 15 million on behalf of Shalini Malhotra at the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and Rs 120 million to a local branch of the bank Baroda. According to the leader of Mauritian Militant Movement (MMM) both accounts were frozen. Paul Berenger asked the Prime Minister, Navin Ramgoolam, to confirm that this money is still not in Mauritius and abroad as he said in the National Assembly on Tuesday, October 25. The opposition leader wants to know the Prime Minister, the name of the person who has initiated action to freeze bank accounts. The leader of the MMM also seeks explanations of answers, found conflicting data at its Private Notice Question of 18 October and during the parliamentary session of Tuesday, October 25. Thus, he recalls, October 18, the Prime Minister announced that he could not say or do for this money. He had stated that the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) which was only authorized to speak on this subject. Then, last Tuesday, October 25, the Finance Minister Xavier Luc Duval, said that the check had been cashed. It was during the committee review the Supplementary Appropriation (2010) Bill. The head of government then intervened personally. He said that following the PNQ of the previous week that the State Investment Corporation had taken steps to trace the money paid to former managers of the clinic MedPoint. The public corporation is one of the largest shareholder with MedPoint Ltd 50 000 shares. Paul Berenger then commented on the negotiations of alliance between the MMM and the Socialist Movement (MSM) as part of a "remake " of the alliance of 2010. He denied some reports in the press these days about this. He argues that the discussions have not yet reached this stage. Information inconsistent with those obtained from other leaders who are willing to purple to indicate a low voice certainly difficulties that arise in certain constituencies. He said, however, that the " remake "would be on the same principles that 'in 2010 in terms of nominations. Thus, both parties have their representatives in each of the 20 districts of the country. As it is the " scandal of the week , "Paul Berenger returned to the Cheque Truncation System (CTS) which is responsible of claims against the Bank of Mauritius (BoM). A case that is the subject of an investigation by the ICAC. The leader of the MMM denounced what he called total hypocrisy of the Central Bank Transparency. He invited the Prime Minister to remind the Governor of the BoM to order and to order another tendering exercise. He announced that a parliamentary question will soon be on the agenda of the National Assembly without choice between a defined PNQ or question a member of the opposition.He suggests that the former finance minister, Pravind Jugnauth, who was questioned and held responsible for the opacity that prevails in this matter in a statement from the BoM, might want, too, seek clarification from his successor.

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