
Monday, 31 October 2011

Mayotte: 2300 jobs at risk


Following the social crisis that affects Mayotte for nearly a month, a perfume of unemployment hangs over the island.
According Europe1, President of MEDEF Mayotte, Michel Taillefer, announced that  "50 companies are affected and 2,300 jobs are at risk." This would represent "the'équivalent 15% of private sector employees." "Many companies will not rise to the social conflict," he added.
This protest against high prices has taken serious proportions on the island that transforms into a place of violence, vandalism, theft and dams.
Dams anarchic, shops closed, clashes with police, the perfume island, after a month of strikes against high prices, is a completely different face. First Mayotte speaks today of a "total paralysis "of the department. While food and medicines are scarce, the movement has become in many parts of the island impossible.
To make the crossing between the mainland and Petite Terre, a single barge reserved for medical emergencies is still circulating since yesterday, since the liaison officers who have made the choice to be added to the movement, according to the newspaper.
On the roads, the many roadblocks blocking traffic. Access to the school itself is sometimes compromised. These days, youth gangs have targeted policemen who have been stoning.
Despite the precarious situation, and many Mahorais who become unemployed part-currently over 2000, trade unions and their base do not bend and the movement continues. They expect the report will make Tuesday Stanislas Martin, the mediator sent by Marie-Luce Penchard, to study the system of pricing.
For his part, Minister of Overseas has announced its intention to discuss the thorny crisis weighing on Mayotte with Claude Gueant and Francois Fillon, and expressed his desire to resolve the situation in the short the long term.
Source: Zinfos974

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