
Saturday, 22 September 2012

For some time, the euro climbed vis-à-vis the rupee, while the dollar is the downward slope.

For some time, the euro climbed vis-à-vis the rupee, while the dollar is the downward slope. For example, the euro rose from Rs 39.30 last week at Rs 40.13 on Monday before falling to Rs 39.75 on Friday.

"The euro has gained strength in the space of a few days. It will continue to rise in the coming days. This is because the single European currency appreciated globally since Germany decided to help Spain and other European countries that are struggling, "said a trader. For cons, the dollar falls from Rs 31.15 in early September to Rs 30.85. Decline, says our interlocutor, which is attributed to the fact that the United States would have a more competitive dollar to support exports.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Power Balance......Mauritius

 En vente à Rs 600 à Maurice, ces bracelets sont au centre d’une polémique en Europe. En vente à Rs 600 à Maurice, ces bracelets sont au centre d’une polémique en Europe.
Commercialisés sous différentes marques et formes, les bracelets ions, comme ceux de Power Balance, sont à la mode ! Ils ont, semble-t-il, comme propriétés d’améliorer notre force ainsi que la mémoire, la souplesse et le flux énergique ! Si certains n’y voient qu’un effet placebo, d’autres confirment leur efficacité.
Christiano Ronaldo, David Beckham, Bill Clinton… la liste est longue ! Les VIP sont, en effet, plusieurs à utiliser les bracelets générateurs d’ions négatifs.

À Maurice, cela fait pratiquement un an, depuis que certains magasins en vendent. S’ils ne se vendent pas comme de petits pains, c’est parce que les Mauriciens ne savent pas encore de quoi s’agit-il : « Nous en commercialisons depuis une année sous forme de bracelets et de pendentifs à Rs 600 l’unité ! Mais j’avoue qu’on n’en vend pas beaucoup. Notre clientèle vient principalement d’Europe. À Maurice, très peu de personnes les achètent. C’est parce qu’elles ne savent pas ce que c’est. À vrai dire, moi non plus », sourit Roselyne, une vendeuse de ces bracelets à Grand-Baie.

Quant à James, qui l’a utilisé pendant un bout de temps, affirme qu’il n’a pas été très satisfait du résultat : « Je n’ai rien senti de particulier ! C’est un ami australien qui m’a poussé à en acheter un. À dire vrai, je pense même que c’était un bracelet contrefait. »

La vie de Vishal Samynaden a complètement changé depuis un an ! C'est-à-dire depuis qu’il utilise un Bio Disc : « Un Bio Disc est un concentré de minéral enfermé dans un pendentif en verre. Il agit pratiquement comme un bracelet Power Balance ! Il se porte comme un pendentif et, depuis que je l’utilise, ma concentration s’est beaucoup améliorée de même que ma condition physique. Je ne sais comment ça marche, mais comme les ions, je crois que les minéraux peuvent optimiser nos capacités », dira cet habitant de Vacoas.

Les bracelets et les vedettes
Les bracelets sont portés par des superstars, telles que Leonardo Di Caprio, Shaquille O'Neal, Cristiano Ronaldo, Gael Monfils, Rubens Barichello ou encore Maria Sharapova sur le catalogue Tennis Nuts. Sur le Tour de France, 40 % des coureurs portaient un bracelet Power Balance. À Roland-Garros, certains les portaient sous leur bracelet éponge. La majorité des joueurs de l'équipe de France de hockey sur Gazon A en portent également. David Beckham, Robert De Niro et même Kate Middleton viennent de faire la une des magazines avec leur bracelet.

Kate Middleton, David Beckham, Robert de Niro, Puff Daddy et Christiano Ronaldo et Bill Clinton
portent tous un bracelet Power Balance.

L’arnaque !
C’est sous la pression des services de la concurrence et de la répression des fraudes en Australie (ACCC), que la marque Power Balance a été contrainte en 2010 de reconnaître la publicité mensongère qu’elle a faite en ventant les fameux mérites de ses bracelets. La marque s’est d’ailleurs engagée à rembourser les clients lésés par cette tromperie.

En effet, la société parlait d’amélioration de la force, de l’équilibre et de la souplesse au porteur du bracelet et cela sans aucune preuve scientifique. Ils ont été également contraints de retirer de leur site Internet, et de l’emballage du produit, les mérites du bracelet qu’ils mettaient en avant. Les termes de "performance technology" devront également être retirés, y compris des bracelets. En 2011, l'entreprise australienne produisant le Power Balance fait faillite suite à une condamnation lors d'un recours collectif.

Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Power Balance utilise une technologie orientée sur des hologrammes insérés dans le bracelet et dont la fréquence réagit positivement avec les champs énergétiques naturels du corps en les stimulant.

Comment ça marche ?
Le disque holographique Power Balance (fait de la même matière que les disques utilisés pour garder l'électricité statique de composants électroniques) a été programmé avec une fréquence qui rétablit l'équilibre électrique de votre corps afin de faciliter l’échange d'ions positifs et négatifs et d'aligner les voies énergétiques. Ce disque haute densité agit comme un interrupteur; il résonne à travers votre système bioélectrique et optimise vos flux énergétiques. Lorsque l’hologramme Power Balance entre en contact avec le champ énergétique de votre corps, il commence à résonner, créant ainsi une boucle qui optimise la circulation énergétique et maintient le flux à son maximum.

Les effets
On noterait, dès le port du bracelet, une amélioration de l'équilibre, la puissance et la flexibilité. Au-delà de l'effet énergétique, on apercevrait une amélioration de la coordination. Chaque joueur de golf, tennis ou hockey note une meilleure exécution des mouvements, une précision accrue, et une meilleure concentration pendant plus longtemps. Cette amélioration de la concentration s'observe lors d'activités intellectuelles où les mots se trouvent sans chercher et les idées s'enchaînent avec plus de fluidité.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Shakira pregnant

Shakira and her boyfriend, Spanish footballer Gerard Pique of Barcelona, ​​announced Wednesday on their profiles on social networks that the Colombian singer, aged 35, was pregnant."As some of you know, Gerard and I are very pleased to wait for the arrival of our first baby!" Shakira said in a statement in English that his companion was reproduced on their Twitter and Facebook accounts.
"We decided to give priority to this unique moment in our lives and see all the promotional activities planned for the coming days," says the famous Colombian singer also sponsor the humanitarian organization Pies Descalzos (Barefoot Feet) for disadvantaged children.
In March 2011, is already using social networks Shakira confirmed that she now shared in the life of Spain football star of the Catalan team, 10 years her junior.
The singer, originally from the town of Barranquilla port in the Caribbean, "Thanks" also his "fans for their love and understanding", stating that it had to cancel his visit including this weekend in Las Vegas at the Heart Radio music festival.
"I'm sure this weekend in Las Vegas will be great and I will continue to follow closely the Heart Radio concert and everything will be there," says Shakira.
Pregnancy of interpète of "Loca" fed for several months journals Latin American people. According to some rumors, also published in the press, Shakira suffer from toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that complicate pregnancy, information has never been confirmed.
In June, the singer's own father had stepped into the breach to bring a denial.
"I heard that some media announce the confirmation of the pregnancy of my daughter. Absolutely not," declared William Mebarak, in a statement issued in Bogota. "I hope good news, and as long as it happens soon, because I know that we all rejoice," he had added, however.
The announcement of the pregnancy comes as Shakira the star is being sued by his former comrade Argentine Antonio de la Rua, who is seeking damages after their separation, which occurred in 2010 after 11 years together.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

World future tallest building in Saudi Arabia{Kingdom tower}

Here it is folks, a chart comparing the world’s tallest buildings with what will soon be the new king: The Kingdom Tower in Saudi Arabia (Curbed’s got the stats if you care).
Let’s face it. Building the world’s tallest building isn’t so exciting anymore. Sure, it’s kind of neat, but when the tallest building in the world changes several times in 10 years, what’s the point?
The real game should be who can build a structure with the world’s deepest basement. Now that would be cool. So go start drilling.

The connection has timed out: Yahoo Mail

The connection has timed out#

Yahoo mail is experiencing an error in Maurtitius

Anti Islam film reaction in Mauritius

The Jamiat-ul-Ulema, an Islamic association in Mauritius protest against the spread of American film insulting to Islam. It hoped that the Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam, orders that websites containing this video to be blocked in Mauritius.

At a press conference this Wednesday, Sept. 19 at the Century Club in Cité Martial, Plaine Verte, Maulana Jameel Chooramun, president of the Jamiat-ul-Ulema, railed against the spread of this controversial video.

"The film shows images of the Holy Prophet in 'any form and any circumstances." There is no picture of the Holy Prophet. When you see this clip on YouTube, it is distressing to see that the words of the video are not only blasphemous, but they contain serious accusations, "he said.

Maulana Chooramun announced that a letter of protest will be filed at the U.S. embassy in Mauritius this Friday, September 21 to 15 hours.

The film, which disparages the Prophet Muhammad offended millions of Muslims. Deemed hostile to Islam, video shocked Muslim world since the beginning of September. The release of the film led to the death of the U.S. Ambassador in Libya September 11 and triggered a wave of anti-American protests worldwide. Faced with this situation, Google has decided to block access to the video in Egypt, India, Indonesia, Libya and Malaysia.

Iphone 6 Rumour!

After the deception of Iphone 5,will Apple release a newer version Iphone 6?

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

China Post tracking system:Cannot get request dispatcher for path success

"Cannot get request dispatcher for path success"
If you get the above message when trying to track,it is an error in the post website itself and should be corrected in a few days
You can track from other websites {Please find links above:tracking system,tracking,ems...}-but i do not guarantee

Orange Mauritius network problem

According to some users,Orange Mauritius is having a problem in their network today,19 sept 2012
Please dont charge your balance and check your balance before and after making calls!
Any problem,dial 8900!!

Monday, 17 September 2012

Hadj 2012,number of mauritians

They will only be able to perform 1300 Hajj this year. They will only be able to perform 1300 Hajj this year.A feeling of uneasiness prevails among the pilgrims. Following the Minister's announcement Abu Kasenally, indicating that only 1,300 visas were granted to Mauritius in the Hajj 2012, the organizers are facing problems.The organizers have already made payments to hotels in Saudi Arabia and they do not know how to find the money to pay the pilgrims.
Raouf Khodabaccus organizer in Port Louis Ibmatul-Muslimeen, indicates that this announcement has created a catastrophic situation. "Our biggest concern is at hadjees who can not perform the hajj. 2000 Mauritians have already indicated their intention to do any of the five pillars of Islam, "he said.
In addition, as an organizer, he has already paid 75% of the hotel costs, or a total of 1.1 million riyals (Rs 9.35 million). "I booked Diyafat Mubarak in Mecca who claimed payment in advance. If I had not made such payment, the hadjees would not have housing, "complains the organizer.
It also highlights that operators will have to pay out of their pockets the hadjees who will not go to Mecca this year. He hopes that a solution will soon be found.
Regarding the hajees, only the first 1300 registered can perform the hajj this year. The other 700 will wait until next year.
The MMM MP Reza Uteem, roundly the Chairman of the Islamic Cultural Center. According to him, the number of visas granted to limited Mauritian pilgrims demonstrates "the incompetence of the Islamic Cultural Centre, which is responsible for organizing the pilgrimage to Mecca and Minister Abu Kasenally responsible for this."
In a statement to Radio Plus on Friday, Reza Uteem called for the intervention of Acting Prime Minister, Dr. Rashid Beebeejaun, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Arvin Boolell, with the Saudi authorities so that they grant visas Further to our compatriots.

Infotech 2012 {Orange Tablet}

Very positive event for the 2012 edition of Infotech, the IT Show, which opened its doors on September 13 at the conference center Swami Vivekanada at straws. This 19th edition received more than 100,000 visitors. The National Computer Board is pleased because he had relied on 80,000 visitors."We did not expect so many people: 10,000 visitors Thursday 25,000 Friday, Saturday and 35 000 over 30 000 Sunday, it was beyond our expectations. Mauritians really want a society of information.
Each year, Infotech wins in number of visitors, "says Suraj Ramgolam, Chairman of NCB. Salon offering 90 booths (rental prices ranging from Rs 30,000 to Rs 200,000). Among the 39 exhibitors:Courts, Orange, Emtel MTML Red Line. Among the latest technology products, the touch pads were all the rage.
Above the lot, offering Mauritius Telecom: ISC 703C for Rs 2999. Also note the success of the MacBook Pro 15-inch Apple to Rs 114,990, the iPad 3 in two versions to Rs 21,275 for 16 GB with WiFi and Rs 26,335 for the 16GB Wifi + 4g. The Samsung Smart TV UE55ES8000 was offered Rs 169,000, the Gaming PC at Rs 110,000, webcam 1080p Rs 3975, the FinePix S2980 FujiFilm at Rs 7000 ...
Emtel took the opportunity to launch its 4G network, Long Term Revolution that provides a wireless connection to the internet via a USB 4G excess of 100 Megabits per second (Mbps). The key is provided at Rs 7599. Emtel MIFI also the key that allows five Wifi enabled devices to connect. This key ensures a high throughput 7.2 Mbps for Rs 4499. Net Genie software, parental control software, allows you to restrict access to certain sites on any device, PC, laptops, smartphones or iPad and for Rs 4200 + vat.
Among the new features: ALICE-Activate the Life of Innovation in Communication and Entertainment, offered by Data Communications Limited (DCL). ALICE is a set of services to the card and demand, regardless of the type of mobile device. The concept is popularized by a month.
Another craze for 'Business Solutions' available to small and medium enterprises. On sales, NCB does not have exact figures, but Suraj Ramgolam ensures that "sales have been consistent."Another innovation for youth: ICT Skills Development Program with a capital of Rs 50 million for the training of young people. "We were more than 1000 entries," says Suraj Ramgolam.The show has also helped lead a campaign around the Cyber ​​Security. The Computer Emergency Response Team NCB has lectured on Cybercrime and Computer Misuse Act and section 46 of the ICT Act.
Infotech 2012 ended at 19 pm Sunday. The NCB has already announced three ICT Expo in November in Goodlands, Rose-Belle and Rodrigues. In collaboration with the Mauritius IT Industry Association (Mitya), he is already working on the next IT Pro Salon scheduled for May 2013.